You can’t be “too busy” to vote

Email and SMS notice types and reminders, as well as remote and on-site strategies for capturing votes, maximizes the convenience of voting and helps you increase turnout.

A simple solution for all kinds of elections

A comprehensive set of voting methods allow ElectionBuddy to be used for any decisions or surveys that must be put forth toward the student body — not just Director or Executive position elections.

An excuse for using cell phones in class

An optimized and dynamic mobile voting experience allows students and faculty to vote on the device they prefer, and can vote at any point when the voting period is open.

Affordable, even on a student budget

Post-secondary education is expensive enough without adding election costs to it — ElectionBuddy is priced to fit within your student budget, while still giving you the features you need.

We Help Everyone in University or College

Student Government

Exams, assignments, papers… and an election to run on top of it all. While ElectionBuddy can’t write that paper that’s due tomorrow for you, it will make setting up and running your election a cinch — leaving you with more time to focus on that paper!

How to Get Started

Student Groups

Focus on the mandate of your student group and ensure that your group is represented by the best students by offering a straightforward way to ensure everyone votes. Our College and University online voting system setup is fast, voting is easy, and the sharing of results is simple!

How to Get Started

Faculty/Staff Associations

Spend more time on your professional research and less time investigating how to run a successful election to pick department leadership. ElectionBuddy’s voting software for schools is simple, straightforward interface and commitment to election integrity ensures that you get your election right the first time.

How to Get Started

Alumni Associations

With a membership that grows every semester, reaching out to your entire alumni doesn’t have to be difficult. ElectionBuddy can help you engage your alumni by getting them involved with the decision-making process, no matter where life has taken them.

How to Get Started


From decisions on fundraising initiatives to electing leadership, to feedback on chapter and national initiatives, ElectionBuddy can build a ballot or poll for anything that you need to put forth to your members.

How to Get Started

Other Campus Groups

A wide variety of features and low pricing makes ElectionBuddy your best bet for your elections, no matter what type of group you are on campus. Everyone in your group will love the voting simplicity!

How to Get Started

Student Government

Exams, assignments, papers… and an election to run on top of it all. While ElectionBuddy can’t write that paper that’s due tomorrow for you, it will make setting up and running your election a cinch — leaving you with more time to focus on that paper!

How to Get Started

Join Thousands of Universities and Colleges Using ElectionBuddy

It's Easily the Best Online College and University Voting Software

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